An introduction to
Dosing with Cannabinoids
Hemp / Cannabis based products are simple to use.
Whether its CBD, CBG, THC; full spectrum or isolate, Oil, or Flower.
Whether the product is being applied under the tongue, smoked, used in a tea, vaped, or used as a food.
The rule is always same.
Start low, go slow, and gradually increase the dose over time until you begin to find benefit.
You may then 'dial it back' until you find the smallest dose that does what you wish. Much research indicates that cancers respond in 'dose dependent fashion', suggesting that building up to larger doses may be more beneficial. The folk wisdom is 'a gram of cannabis resin a day keeps the cancer away'. But the ratio of cannabinoids can be highly relevant.
Oils applied under the tongue can be expected to have an effect with 0-90 minutes. Due to its umbilical nerve endings, the belly button is also another possible site of application. Start with one to six drops morning and night, and gradually increase by a couple of drops every three to five days; or as directed by your physician.
Smoked or vaped herbal products only take 4minutes to reach peak levels in plasma, so titration (dose control) is easy.
Cannabinoids share similar contradindictions to grapefruit, and lower blood pressure.
You should consult a doctor if using prescription medications like Warfarin, statins, cholesterol medications, or immunotherapies.

Bi-phasic Canna
Its suprising how often reducing the dose of cannabis can increase its therapeutic effects.
Similarly, smaller and larger doses can have opposite effects.
Optimal doses depend upon the individual.
One cannot assume that that higher/lower dose will produce higher/lower effects.
Ultra Low Doses
Acidic Cannabinoids like CBDA, CBGA, and THCA appear more therapeutic than their neutral equivalents
(CBD, CBG, THC), "Fresh is best".
Pre-clinical and clinical experience has shown acid doses ranging from 1/10th to 1/2000th of the neutral forms to be effective.
When herbal hemp/cannabis is used in tea, the acids remain more abundant and available than the neutral forms.
In its herbal form it can also be eaten raw. When heated the acids convert into the neutral metabolites.