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Getting Healthy, Not High  

CME points (5)

"There are no deaths from cannabis use anywhere; you can't find them."




Cannabis: Canary in the coal mine of our total corporate corruption. A Political Plant,
Farmaceutical &

Prohibited food.

From Ancient Times to Modern Controversy,

The Curious Case of Hemp in NZ, and treason.​


So we are about more than Hemp. 

Our mission is to outcompete the market and rebuild the wealth thats been stolen from us, to serve the public good as a just and sovereign nation should.

We believe privatiusation of core industries has failed, here and abroad.

We believe our economy should serve the nation first and offshore investors second.


For decades, kiwis have watched our nations wealth be stripped away. Replaced by corrosive speculation in our housing supple; predatory australian corporations and banks.

This is due to an economic lie called neoliberalism.

Its as bullshit as 'reefer madness' was.


 But, instead of merely keeping us from the Queen of Herbs - a strategic resource for health wealth and housing. Neoliberalism goes even larger. It handcuffs our economic sovereignty, and bundles us off to predatory finance. Thats why most of us feel poorer since 1984.

If you dont feel that way, its because youve ridden an asset bubble thats locked out future generations on current settings. ZDont worry, we can finess it. But key to that is reclaiming our economic sovereignty.


Neoliberals are like people smugglers who kidnap children for paedophiles. No doubt they can tell a good story; but its lies.


The simple truth is that markets want to buy our bonds - because stable rich countries are reliable- and thats how we can build our productive economic infrastructure and fund our essential services. Bond sales fund themselves, and RBNZ issues the bonds for us.


If, somehow, markets did not want to buy our bonds we could buy them ourselves with the RBNZ. Thats how the monetary system works. 


The trick the neolibs have done is tell us 'there is no magic money tree', while ensuring that aussie banks could only be money trees. Issuing our dollars for economically unproductive mortgages, and siphoning our hard won billions to aus while our infrastructure crumbles.


Anyway, back to hemp.

 For at least 30,000 years, Hemp has been sacred. in many cultures. From the East to the West, and in the North and the South.

 But, once the pharmaceutical industry became a global cartel in the 1920s, cannabis suddenly became a dangerous drug, and hemp became a prohibited industry.

Big Pharma and Politics became friends.


Now, if you think there are too many cartels, wait until you hear about what the banksters have done. But we will start with Hemp, the canary in the coalmine of our countries corporation curruption. Once you understand Hemp...


Lets start with the story of how New Zealands govt made a perfect food into a pharmaceutical. 


Two US' founding fathers grew hemp. Both Jefferson and Washington. In NZ, we have Harakeke, the mighty Flax. 

 But Hemp still has a place in our history, and heart, with NZs first Saint (to be) Mother Aubert was almost certainly a trained practitioner, given her training at the apex of Hemp Medicine with Florence Nightingale. But its political, and Te Papa refuses to allow ESR to test her medicines.


The story of Hemp, (Type 3 & 4 C.Sativa) in NZ is wild. It strikes to the heart of "who are we"?

As a nation. Who are we? 

What is important to us? What is the difference between public service and corporate purpose? 

Is it values? Outcomes?


 Does it matter? Yes it does. Because when corporations write the laws in a country where you dont really have any rights, and we dont really get any royalties on our resources, and we export all our best unsustainably.


Well, we seem suckers, and it explains a lot about health, education, infrastructure, energy, cartels, etc.

 All gone bung in the name of "free markets" (that are private monopolies), and a forgotten public interest. Idrecommend you watch 'Pro Bono Publico - For The Public Interest', (TVNZ/Frontline, 1991) but good luck! It seems to be totally suppressed by government.


In fact, Ive been specifically denied access to it for inclusion in NZQA Economics and History courses.


This supports the notion that the last forty years of economic mismanagement have actually been sustained corporate looting instead of "not enough neoliberalism".


Whether its due to illiteracy, incompetence, or corruption; whose to say? But we can see they're still lying to our faces today. We have a sovereign currency. We can build our own fucking infrastructure. But people who want to sell us out, tell us we cant.

Luxon, Seymour, Labour, Im looking at you. Greens, do you understand?

 We can build what we need.

Why arent we?

Are we being being looted by our leaders. History really seems to bear it out.


 If Muldoon had devalued kiwis savings before the 1984 election, he could have stopped the FOREX attack on our dollar. But he didnt.

For all his flaws, he fought for kiwis.


Then we were all basically couped by Treasuery's corporate economics; Fay, Richwhite, Gibbs, and more. Inside dealings and what seems almost sabotage in the BNZ bank / Fay Richwhite (fraud and theft?) and Winebox (more fraud and theft)


As 'The Corporation' makes clear, we appear to be suffering from middle management for nihilistic corporations. Irresponsible people.


The Economist magazine gave this book 4 out of 5 stars. NZ seems in the end stages of their takeover. Most kiwis dont know. Becuase we dont really do history, or investugative journalism, or public good, or even read much.  Jane Kelsey writes well on it. So does Bernard Hickey, in his way.


Once the corrupt kill the treaty, enable their own regulatory agency, and give themselves fast track powers; we will lose big again.

Without a public service element, it will end up in another generational theft.


Its retarded. Do we want to end up with an economy thats even more stagnant than the UK?

We should do better. We can do better.

We MUST do better.


 On the subject of big corporates dominating our politics. Few people know it was legal for licensed hemp farmers to make CBD oils in NZ from 2006.


But those farmers were threatened with six figure fines and the loss of their license if they did.

Who benefits from that? Kiwis? Or Big Pharma?


But, their registered, licensed, approved, and legal hemp was also "freed of all controls when grown for horticultural purposes", according to apex International Treaty UNSCN 1961.

So, it was legal twice over.


But licensed hemp farmers couldnt make hemp oils or foods. Despite being a perfect food for life and health, and legal twice over.


Because of our Ministry of Health.

Who not only lack KPIs for health, but seem to have a financial conflict of interest at the heart of their regulatory structure; given a reliance on product levies (rather than improved outcomes) for most of their budget. The conceptual implications for public health are concerning. Suggesting more of a farming operation than any other.


For example, in 2018, "legalising medical cannabis" turned out to be pharmaceuticalising hemp. Meaning it couldnt be a food or a herbal remedy. Qui fucking bono?


Few are aware of Hemps health benefits, or why they can be so profound. Which seems odd, in an information age. Might the insane politics and silent health and science sectors illustrate the fundamental corruption of modern life by corporate interests and bad politics?


You might be familiar with CBD (Cannabidiol), a hemp extract celebrated for its health benefits. From anxiety relief to epilepsy treatment and even potential cancer therapy, CBD can be a minor relief, and a miracle worker. Because it is a promiscuous signalling molecule; that tweaks many of our bodies "Goldilocks" buttons.

Go figure, most of what we've been told about Cannabis is a lie, and about Hemp, most of us have no clue that its a food with profound health benefits. In a nation with a collapsing health system, that government insists on underfunding. Based upon lies and misrepresentations, in a time of need. Someone, make it make sense.


Fraud by NZ Govt?

Despite these proven benefits; or perhaps because of them; both New Zealand (National) and Australian 'health ministers' tried to block CBD as a food, citing the need to "avoid blurring the line between food and therapeutic good" and the need to prevent people self medicating with CBD. 

But, the food regulator (FSANZ) couldn't legally block safe, beneficial, compounds from citizens.


 Enter MedSafe NZ, which seems to have ignored its own internal advice, taken a perverse view of an international treaty, scientific facts and morality to make CBD a controlled drug through falesly asserting it had a valid legal opinion that everyone else was wrong. Including ESR (the police forensic chemistry team) who strongly objected.


The argument MedSafe made to achieve this has never been made public. Nor was it ever shown to FSANZ. Instead, their "legal opinion" has been hidden behind "legal privilege" for eight years, initially due to a "lack of public interest", subsequently "legally privileged".


Hmm, does that smell fishy to you?


Health Benefits and Misclassification of CBD

The 1937 Marijuana Tax Act in the US, deceptively prohibited hemp, which contains over 500 active ingredients, including more than 200 cannabinoids.

Hemp cannabinoids like CBD offer myriad health benefits, likened to Wi-Fi signals for cellular communication, essential for maintaining health.


Plants have always been humanity's original medicines, and cannabinoids play a crucial role in maintaining health. Yet, New Zealand's world-class cannabinoid research groups at Otago and Auckland medical schools often downplay their importance. "Science should follow the public debate," they say, yet leave the public in the dark.


Curiously, the Chief Scientist's review of cannabis before the 'reeferendum' didn't even ask about the public health benefits of legalization, which include reduced death, crime, pain, and suffering.

Might 'capitalism' explain the disconnect between scientists, politicians, public, and Hemp CBD?


Join the Fight for Transparency and Access

Hemp is a safe, beneficial plant that should be accessible for its health benefits. By demanding transparency and fair regulation, we can advocate for a healthier future. Together, we can challenge the status quo and improve public health with natural remedies. Click the link for full details on the deliberate misclassification of CBD.


[Complaint to Director General of Health re: the deliberate Misclassification of CBD]

Evidence: OIAs


A Question of Public Service and Health?


Plants are our original medicines. Cannabinoids, vital signalling molecules, regulate mood, memory, health, and growth. Despite their importance, New Zealand's elite universities, medical organisations, and regulators often publicly overlook their benefits. 


 Hemp foods, full of natural cannabinoids, could reduce the number of sick people.


 Is that why can't you grow hemp?


Is that why our oldest crop is a prohibited food?

MedSafe/Medicines Control prevented licensed hemp farmers from making legal hemp products, creating a medical cannabis cartel instead.


By lifting legal privilege on their advice, we could secure full spectrum hemp foods for health. But you know what they say, "you've got to fight for your rights."

 The Ombudsman is working on it now, and I hope to have news for you soon.

Join us.


Join us in demanding change. Your children should benefit from NZs potential. Its up to us. Let’s improve through education and advocacy. This is just the low hanging fruit. Theres much more we can do.


Kind regards,​




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